Home > 2007 Home Remodel

2007 Home Remodel

January 14th, 2007 at 01:06 am

This is the year we are supposed to remodel our home and extend the back of the house by 10 feet.

Sounds like fun, eh? Yeah, not really. It is going to be quite a challenge with the kids (7, 5 and 6 months), especially the baby. So far we have had one quote from a contractor for $96,000.00… Yikes! I was actually thinking it would be more like 75K maybe 85K max. We will be getting two more bids from reputable contractors who have done work in our area.

To pay for this we are refinancing our home and at the same time we will be paying off a LOC that is a variable and is now at 8% ouch. So we are already used to the house payment because of the LOC. With that said…I am still nervous to take it on. DH is really wanting the additional space. I’ll post more when there is progress…

4 Responses to “2007 Home Remodel”

  1. baselle Says:

    Just linking this thread against your other thread. Is it possible that since your DH has expensive tastes that the reason for the home remodel is less "space" and more "ego"?

  2. seaweed Says:


    There is no way around it short of therapy. Things were often the way his parents made up with after not so great parenting moments. I could srite a whole other blog on that!

    It's a good thing that I am not a spender; not sure where we would be then!

  3. denisentexas Says:

    Ouch! that much money for 10 feet? I'd just learn to live with the feet I had! But then, I'm cheap. Wink Good luck, though!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    My husband is a builder. we built an entire house for less than that. It seems way too much.

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